Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Real Friends

... so today I received another email message from someone that I don't know. Apparently, she is my "friend" on a social media network that I've joined. Hmm ...

So, I clicked on the link in the email and it took me to this community of friends. I didn't remember my login information. So I asked the system to send me the link to reset my password and gain access to my profile page. I clicked on a couple of pictures and voila! There was an entire group of "friends" that I had never met. Hmm ...

So, I started visiting the pages and writing my comments here and there. I don't try to sell them anything or ask them to join my other groups. Just a quick "hi" or "let me know what I can do to help you today" to 4 or 5 people each day. And guess what?

I'm actually making "real" friends out of these "virtual" friends.

Here's proof:

I asked a few new friends to help me to celebrate National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day by sharing more about themselves and their favorite sandwiches. Yeah, it's a real holiday. I wanted to tell people about my new friends the next time when I hosted my show The Recipe Box on BlogTalkRadio. I figured they would either think it was a fun idea or that I'm some kind of nut.

Check out the show ~ Barbara Howard Celebrate's National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day.


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