Friday, October 3, 2008

George Washington Bathed Here

Okay... so I was thinking about all of the wonderful places I have lived (and not so wonderful). Seems the majority of my major moves have been during this time of year. So, I suppose that's partially the reason why I become so weepy-eyed nostalgic about places and people and things from my past.

One such wonderful place was 4.5 pristine acres along a ridge that bordered PA, WV, and MD. The town is known for its historic landmarks and mineral springs. George Washington and many other dignitaries since have traveled there for the soothing and therapeutic baths. An old bathtub is in the town square that George Washington utilized during one of his frequent visits.

So, fast forward to an email I received this morning announcing that Michelle Obama was "dropping in" on another (mommy) blog and writing about the Equal Pay for Equal Work issue. Important issue. Kudos to the blog host for seizing the opportunity to participate in history through this incredible media we are so blessed to have available to the masses.

Michelle Obama blogged here. Wow! Good for you.

I thought about where we are in history, what we have squandered, and what is yet available in spite of our many weaknesses and missteps as a nation. We are a blessed people to have the POWER of the vote. (oh, btw: did I say "Remember to register AND vote"?) If you need a little nudge, just peek at the timeline of history for this country. It was not sooo long ago that large segments of society were totally forbidden to vote by law. And many are still struggling to be counted. It's a precious civil RIGHT.

Don't squander your right to vote!

Then, I took things a step further (you knew that I would. hint: check the title of this blog) and started thinking about what Michelle Obama was blogging about. Equal Pay for Equal Work. Yeah, that topic ... again. Or better yet, still. And I thought, there are so many topics like that being debated during this historic campaign. Energy Conservation. Still. Affordable Health Care for all citizens. Still. Improving Our Schools. Securing Our Borders. Home Ownership. Domestic vs. Foreign Oil Dependance. Less Taxes. The Homeless. The Hungry ...

And I wondered, we've been talking about these things for years. At least, I have been talking and voting about these things for years.

I talk. I blog. I email. I vote ... Can anybody hear?

If so, can anybody help?

Okay, so what's my point for this post? Well, if I have to have one (not sure that I do), then I suppose I'll just take this opportunity for one of my shameless plugs.

On October 15th hundreds of thousands of bloggers worldwide will be participating in Blog Action Day. The theme for this year is Poverty. Click the link to learn more. I am honored to help co-host their internet broadcast on BlogTalkRadio from 9:30-midnight (Eastern Time Zone). I will be on-air with them during the Obama/McCain Presidential Debate. So, I'll miss out on listening to part of the debate. Hmm ... and I don't mind.

Ya know why?

Because I'll be listening to and learning about people who are actively DOING something and not just talking / blogging / campaigning about it.

Please join the conversation and then DO something!


Anonymous said...

Sadly, too many people are still talking loud and saying nothin' I didn't know about the Blog Action Day. I think Poverty is a good choice. I can surely talk about that--from a personal "been there, done that" experience.

It would be a good time to go back and re-visit

Anonymous said...

thanks I did not know about the blog action day. Poverty is very timely and I am afraid more of a problem than we realize, with the possibility of expanding in America. At least we will see an increase in poor eating choices because it is cheaper.